Tuesday 2 March 2021

'the arcade's penny claw hanging empty'

horsemouth is suffering from memory loss. he can't remember the thing he needs to remember in order to get started. 

no wait a second he's remembered where he wrote it down.

today and tomorrow are the jackson c. frank days 

born 2nd march, dead 3rd march. sort of like solomon grundy (the man whose life covers the days of the week) but quicker. he managed to pack a lot of misery into this time. the songs are consistently amazing. paul simon produces his first album (and goes back to america with jackson's tune blues run the game in his repertoire). 

following on from solomon grundy down the track of songs about the days of the week led horsemouth to dashing away with the smoothing iron (as covered by edward the II and the red hot polkas) and thence to flanders and swann's the gasman cometh (an ongoing tale of construction mishaps involving all the trades and set over the course of a week). 

'well it all makes work for the working man to do' 

it's the days of the week that is the unifying factor here. horsemouth works today and he works friday. the weather has been warming up this will permit him to sit outside and read. he needs to make progress with his reading, he's read very little (in the way of books) for months. 

up until yesterday over 400 views on the fall of the house of fitzgerald,  thanks to all the people who have watched it and thanks to all the musicians involved. two stills from the filming of it taken by catastro/fille have been entered in the women's history month photo competition, an exhibition by women photographers celebrating women’s lives with portraits.

after some initial teething troubles horesemouth's working from home gig is all going very smoothly. he's making pretty much what he was before and  even saving money (though the pubs and second hand bookshops being closed may have something to do with that). he's not missing the commute, the tesco sandwiches and the coffees out. but a) it's only a third of the workforce (not that you'd know that from the newspapers) b) some people don't have it as easy and their work takes a lot longer from home c) while he generally agrees with the point about this forces premises costs out from the employer to the employee it also royally fucks lots of commercial property companies (so there is an upside). 

last night (having worked and walked) horsemouth watched some of les compagnons de baal a 1968 french tv series featuring a satanic conspiracy. it features jacques champreux (later to crop up in georges franju's things). horsemouth particularly enjoyed episode 5 with scenes set at the church of cosmochronos near the dog's cemetery in asniers. horsemouth remembered that the dog's cemetery featured in a performance by charlemaigne palestine that he once witnessed. 

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