Monday 29 March 2021

they promised horsemouth sun (silver lining silver lining)

they promised horsemouth sun, ladies and gentlemen. but he ain't feeling it. (wait, let him check the bbc weather page). 

ah the sun has been postponed and downgraded until this afternoon but in exchange (silver lining silver lining) it's going to be even warmer tuesday (21C! - woo hoo!). it may be possible for horsemouth to be wheeled out into the back garden and sit and read (and get off the laptop and the internets). that would be good. 

for his sunday morning music horsemouth listened to an alice coltrane compilation. the cover lifts nicely from the fibre work of lenore tawney (friend and lover of agnes martin). he found a photo of alice coltrane he'd never seen before (from the inside cover of reflections on creation and space) and a photo from a luaka bop celebration of her spiritual music from the Knockdown Center, 52-19 Flushing Ave. in Maspeth, NY, US on 21 May 2017.

in recent days horsemouth watched satan's slave (not as much fun as it should have been) and eye of the devil in which french aristo david niven does the right thing by his peasants (to give the game away in a wickerman stylee).

a friend has bought the download of another friend (horsemouth was going to say CD this is how his brain thinks). horsemouth has enabled musical exchanges. 

sten is back (from where horsemouth does not know) and he's back off out again. no work for horsemouth (as far as he knows). 

last night was the worm moon. so called because it is supposed to be getting warm enough for the worms to come out of winter hibernation and recommence their task of turning dead matter into soil. they are the ultimate victors. 

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