Tuesday 27 April 2021

horsemouth has had a nosebleed (and now he works)

horsemouth has had a nosebleed (he never has nosebleeds) and now he works.

he's now trying to live without blowing his irritated dripping nose (in case he starts it off and he has to work).

he doesn't work quite just yet. but he needs to get set up and ready. hopefully it will be less of a parachute booking this time round (the kind where you parachute in and they start shooting at you immediately).

he will hate it while he is doing it (and curse and yell and then check that the microphone is off - phew. it's off). 

yesterday horsemouth went for a walk with tim goldie (long time no see).  they went for a walk along the riverbank. spring had sprung (though it was still a little cold). there's a photo. later they sat on the front steps and had a coffee. 

later still horsemouth sat in the back garden reading. later still he listened to the shadow over innsmouth and finished off the  giallo he had started. then a shower and then bed. 

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