Thursday 15 April 2021

horsemouth's media diary ('b-boys got to document')

'increased reading matter since 80s... better bedding...actually altogether big improvement.' 

so a friend of longstanding has reviewed horsemouth's bedroom (he had posted a photo of it on social media). of course to give you a proper vision of horsemouth's book hoarding horrror of a lifestyle he would probably need to take a reverse shot. horsemouth's room is a the bottom of the house (so it doesn't get as much light as previous abodes). still it is south facing. 

horsemouth thought he should construct a media diary for you.

horsemouth wakes up puts on the coffee pot and then turns on the laptop. his first thought will be to check the weather outside - if it is sunny he will be pleased, if it is rainy and grey he will be phlegmatic. 

he begins by checking the notifications and messenger in facebook (perhaps responding to one here or reposting something there). soon enough he is opening up blogspot and begins typing this.  we are moving towards six months of horsemouth making a blogpost every day (as a result of the die back of the facebook notes facility) when he has finished writing the blogpost to his satisfaction he will put a link to it back on his facebook page (with some teasing comments to try and encourage people to click through and read it). 

really however he writes it for himself. it is one of his favourite parts of the day. as he likes to joke, he 'gets to make sense'.  if horsemouth has to work then it is cut short or postponed otherwise this takes as much time as it takes.

really he should open up a word document and type for himself but he has no particular skill with plotting so he is unlikely to write a novel. this leaves poetry and theory. 

he will then listen to news briefing from the bbc i-player radio 4 page (possibly sitting out on his front doorstep in the sunshine) clicking it off before prayer for the day, then he will retreat indoors to cast his eyes over the guardian online - news first, then business, then society (for the housing news mostly).

if something annoys him particularly he will post it to facebook.

at some point he will get bored and turn the computer off and go and read in the back garden in summer, on his bed in winter. yesterday he was reading divine invasion a biography of philip k.dick (he's been on a PKD re-read recently). he expects he will finish it today (and possibly pick up the sidelined a scanner darkly again). 

sten has just whitewashed the back wall of the garden (well horsemouth says garden but it's not as he would have it but rather as the lowest common denominator of how the 4 people in the house would have it) and admittedly it does look instantly much better with the back wall being whitewashed (maybe this will trigger further tidying up). 

yesterday morning howard visited (he was off into town on a bike related errand) bringing a rucksack full of drum parts, a cymbal, john clarkson's thumb piano and melodica and some clothing (jeans, short sleeved shirts, two t-shirts). one of the t-shirts was a magma  t-shirt (sean will be delighted). horsemouth immediately took and posted a 'selfie' of himself in it and then took the aforementioned photo of the room - well actually no, he got sten to take it). he then posted these up (and a clip of magma playing). 

he is gratified by the number of likes they received. 

at 1pm (or later) he listens to the world at one

often he turns it off early because he finds it annoying. yesterday he then took a look at the LRB blog, the NLR sidecar blog, the Independent newspaper (news and business pages). he might check his own email account or the work email account. yesterday he also did some messaging on linkedIn  which he joined years ago but has never really used.

then at some point he will get bored and start reading again (out in the back garden) or go for a walk

he is walking less because of the pandemic - he is less likely to alibi a walk by a visit to the supermarket as he is trying to limit himself to one shopping trip (or less) a week (and the second hand bookshops have been shut). he is a little bored with the part of the marshes he is nearest too (that said yesterday he had a nice wander by the river). the wild rocket is not out yet (he will pick some of this if he sees it), he will sometimes pick wildflowers (buttercups, daisies, others he cannot easily identify) and display them in a vodka bottle full of water in his room. 

at six pm he listens to the six o'clock news (when the living room was useable he would often watch this on the tv but it is not currently).  lately he's taken up listening to the shadow over innsmouth (a h.p. lovecraft inspired serial) in the evening 

thereafter night falls and he draws the curtains. he may read some more but often he just goes over to youtube to find a movie. last night he watched a documentary of philip k. dick and then, following on from youtube's suggestions william freidkin's  to live and die in LA which he thought was kind of dull. 

and so to sleep. 

er. today (as soon as he has got this done) news briefing and a wander in the morning (because it is sunny). today (at some point) the david runciman talking politics podcast from the LRB (released on thursdays) - it's a bit liberal and bien-pensant. there's also the grenfell podcast on the bbc (a reliably good blood boiler). 

ok. allez! salut maintenant!


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