Tuesday 11 May 2021

'the sea shall rise over your heads and drown you all'

'nonsense on my right,

nonsense on my left,

there is no mercy.

there is no justice.

the sea shall rise over your heads 

and drown you all.'

so screams nico at the start of the video for abschied (farewell) and she screams well (she sounds like she means it). it has a nicely concrete brechtian line (that's no way to greet an audience). there's plain talking for you. then she's off into into the usual churchy harmonium modes. 

a fashionably dressed male-model style goatherd wanders around the rocky wilderness. there's a dullness and a greyness to the filmstock. eventually he walks out of sight. 

ooof that's annoying. the smart meter fitters failed to show up. (and horsemouth was waiting in too). no communication from them. no nothing.   still nice walk with tim goldie instead.  they want him to text in a review/ they want him to book another visit on a premium rate phone line / er. bollocks to it all. 

other than the walk with tim goldie this completely spoiled horsemouth's mood for the day. even on the walk with tim goldie some dude sat down on the other side of the river and stared. on his last visit someone displayed inordinate interest in him and followed him back across the bridge. (what the actual fuck! mutters horsemouth. as usual only two steps from a paranoid meltdown).  

just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you. remarks horsemouth sagely to himself.

further thoughts on scottish independence 

horsemouth spent the afternoon modifying the lyrics to gil-scott heron's the revolution will not be televised to apply to the current scottish situation but he would like to make some remarks to help him clarify his opinions on it.

first off if the scots leave the tories have an inbuilt majority in the rump state of the former UK (england, wales, cornwall, isle of man?, northern ireland?) even without biddable unionist support. as usual horsemouth would expect partition to bring about a 'carnival of reaction' (as james connolly would put it) on both sides of the border. economically he would expect it to be  hard on the scots and scottish workers to end up paying for it and he expects that spain would block any attempt to get scotland membership of the EU on the basis that it wouldn't want to encourage catalunyan seccession. 

horsemouth's tendency is towards integration in global capitalism leading to its overcoming globally by the workers united as a world class  rather than retreat into relying upon smaller nation states to defend abstract rights. 

eventually the workers have to settle accounts with the bosses wherever they are. 

horsemouth knows that this seems far less likely to happen than the water rising up over our heads but still until the water rises up over our heads we have to keep trying.  

nonetheless he can see the attraction of being maitre chez nous and no longer being under the despotic rule of the tories (or indeed any other party in westminster). for 50 years at least the economy has been run in such a fashion as to best suit the interests of the south more generally and the capitalist class more particularly. 

and for the last 50 years or so rule has been imposed upon the scots  on the basis of mere democracy from the majoritarian south. (of course the same could be said for the north of england, wales, northern ireland).    

the tories have successfully played upon these tensions in the north of england (and to a lesser extent the south of wales) but they are prevented from doing so in scotland by an accident of history. 

anyway. fuck it. horsemouth has to go and buy some food before he can work this morning or he will be going hungry during the day while he works (and this will not improve his temper). 

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