Thursday 3 June 2021

live from the bedrooom/ the back garden

'the neglected details of  mundane life... play a crucial role' - zinovy zinik.

live from the bedroom it's horsemouth. he's a little hung over and slow this morning having got drunker than he thought he would whilst meeting steve and karen at the approach. horsemouth walked down (and then, in his drunken state, he walked back up)

he may have (in his drunken state) proposed some crazed scheme where they ferry him all over herefordshire when he comes up to play his gig on the 24th. he'll have to check with them that this is not excessive.

horsemouth, as a non-driver, is not best adapted to countryside living. 

steve is of course (as a smart person) pessimistic about wave 4 (the indian variant). he thinks we've already had wave 3. here we go (again). that makes this current moment (or rather the moment that has just gone) the safest moment. 

today howard comes up to visit. later horsemouth goes off to babysit/ child mind. 

zinik is a writer of exile. in the soviet union he was a samizdat writer, but all his published work he wrote after leaving the soviet union (but still written in russian). he settles in england, zinik isn't even his real name, it's just a family nickname that crept onto the official documents. he explains all this in the afterward that he wrote in english. he goes to lords to watch the cricket and drink pimms, he goes to the disreputable bars of soho.

yesterday horsemouth sat around in the garden toasting and then had a minor tidy out in the back garden. the builders are back in next door today but they hadn't been back earlier in the week. the weather is hot and beautiful.  

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