Wednesday 21 July 2021

'and didn't it rain children'

yesterday it rained (and horsemouth was out in it).

the sky opened and truly did it chuck it down with a vengeance upon the children of the earth. the children and parents of the playground scattered in search of any cover anywhere. horsemouth and his charge ended up under a tree (before relocating to the overhang of some public toilets). thereafter it eased up and horsemouth and his charge made their way to a bar where they had a pizza. 

at the playground horsemouth met some new parents and he bumped into dimitra, her husband and child. he hasn't seen them since the cameron anniversary poetry evening, perhaps he bumped into them up at the wetlands cafe when john was over visiting one time (but horsemouth is uncertain about the sequence). 

it's not 8am and its 20C already. today the weather should be not as savage as the last few days (a mere 29C).  when it is that hot horsemouth tends to skulk indoors. just lately he's been getting on with painting the front room (attempting to restore it to its proper use). 

today horsemouth goes to a meeting of the communal endeavour touting the idea of a business plan and bearing a how to write a business plan book. he's unsure whether it will be in the open or indoors (he's pressing for it to be out in the open).  

tomorrow a spot of child-minding and then up to the cloud forest to feed the cats. payday. next week cat-sitting and a spot of work (then the digital kerfuffle of getting paid), the anniversary of the march by the poplar rate rebels to the high court and then lammas.  

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