Wednesday 14 July 2021

here - a beautiful golden morning.

here - a beautiful golden morning. there - in south and west london, flooding. ok seems to be clouding over.

from here on the weather improves (heading up into a heatwave allegedly but definitely good out until the 25th). 

yesterday a chat with colin. it was a 7.6km walk (3.8km there, 3.8 km back), later a wander round on the marshes, eager students practicing their stick fighting (looks amazing).  the day before a walk to the park and the swings (3 miles there and back to aldi, and 3.2 miles to the playground and back).  this tops off the 2.6 miles saturday. very healthy horsemouth. 

to be frank horsemouth preferred the area round poplar for walking (more genuine edgelands, more of the river, more of the canals). round here interests him less. if he was keener on cycling (or public transport) he could get out a ways (but he's not). 

friday, saturday, sunday - possibly the thing with howard. 

horsemouth has just done a 4.4 mile walk over (and back again) to the supermarket in the fields (you may remember it as the supermarket horsemouth said he would never go to again because they treated their staff so badly).  he raided some cherry trees in the carpark and purchased a lot of coffee that he has hidden in a secret stash against hard times. (other than that, more museli, more beer) horsemouth is struggling with some admin tasks (and not traveling hopefully). ok he's just phoned up (which he thinks is the thing to do - maybe that's broken the logjam). 


horsemouth's problem is that he gets stressed. 

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