Monday 12 July 2021

'meditation on inevitable death should be performed daily...' (fast shadows)

instead horsemouth gets up and writes a blog as if her were living (a man with things to do). 

last night he watched a documentary on ghost dog. and then he listened to the wu-tang track fast shadows (itself another earlier wu-tang track sped up). the soundtrack to ghost dog works really well. the movie is an enjoyable confection. ghost dog is a loner - he is effectively using the samurai code to alibi his solitude. horsemouth admires his living conditions (warehouse penthouse). 

what happened with the football? horsemouth does not know. (he will look later). he could claim to be welsh as his get out clause but that's not the real reason. 

as a kid horsemouth was a nerd, it was not possible to be a nerd and have an interest in sports. like noam chomsky he disdains the people's interest in baseball (or other sports) and argues it would be better if they put their mental effort into understanding the causes of their oppression and devising means of resistance rather than participating in their own distraction. 

against this there is only the rollerball defence, that sports are an autonomous expression of the people but subject to the same interference and distortion by capitalist forces as everything else in society (thus the revolution can start there just as effectively as anywhere else). it has the advantage of already being concerned with the crowd and the mass. 

curiously it seems to be in sport where racism seems to be most effectively broken down. where a relative freedom prevails (go figure), where the oppressive distinction between mind and body is broken down. 

anyway enough sentimentality.  

'meditation on inevitable death should be performed daily...' 

last night the regular sunday phonecall from his mum (despite the fact that he was only there two days ago and thus has little news to tell). horsemouth used the laptop to discover the future weather of the golden valley and the current infections, hospitalisations, death statistics for the country as a whole. it is (of course) ticking up very fast with large numbers of people not yet double jabbed (and even then that provides only limited protection). boris initially made it sound like there was going to be a maskless free for all from july 19th and now they have had to row back to a mask wearing position. 

ultimately horsemouth thinks the people are more sensible than the government. if they can see people are dying in appreciable numbers they will take all the necessary measures to ensure their own safety without waiting to be asked or told. 

really horsemouth is only concerned with ensuring that his parents pseudo- libertarian (daily torygraph  style) distrust of the government and restrictions is outweighed by their appreciation of the reality of the risks. 

we all face growing old, becoming progressively less able and dying (sorry if that's a bit harsh for first thing in the morning). how did we get so old?  remarked a friend on a recent holiday. horsemouth contemplates the arthritis in his fingers. he advises people to enjoy the good days and the days in the sun. 

ok horsemouth should get on with the day. (he perhaps needs to stock back up on provisions). 

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