Saturday, 21 August 2021

horsemouth four loom weaver

a grade A grey day. rain later say the beeb. 

meanwhile cyclists set off on their bike rides. people walk purposefully  down the canal towpath for exercise rather than to get to a specific destination. 

there are a number of things horsemouth could be doing. 

he could be working on subtitling (closed captions) his george lansbury piece. or he could be working out who to ask for help with chopping down the fall of the house of fitzgerald from its epic like near  15 minutes to a more playable at a particular festival 10 minutes. but even then horsemouth is not utterly convinced they fall within the right geographical area or friendship group to get in. 

horsemouth supposes that he wants people to see these productions that he was involved in and that if he wants that to happen he has to take this task on. 

in general horsemouth could do with seizing the means of production.  if he is not going to be a worker (employed by capitalists to work on machinery bought with their capital) then he will have to be an artisanal small producer in his retirement. 

it is as if horsemouth were a four loom weaver working away in his farmhouse growing pale from lack of sunshine before the new manufactories had opened (except that now it is after the factories  have closed). 

the theory (in boltanski and chiapello's the new culture of capitalism) is that capitalism reformulated itself as creative and experimental in order to deal with a turning away from large corporate capitalism by potential management cadres. unable to respond adequately to the worker's critique of capitalism (that it is exploitative) capitalism instead responded to the artists critique of capitalism (that it leads to standardised products and stultifying uniformity). 

horsemouth is not entirely sure how this fits in with rentier capitalism - he guesses that the rich (the new rentier class) are retiring from capitalist production the better to live off their investments pushing all the risk out onto the people who are precariously employed or working in start ups or in under-capitalised artisanal companies. 

the people are supported in this by the state by means of in work benefits, retirement incomes, redundancy cheques, food banks, allotments, work in the informal economy etc. but they are farmed by the state also (VAT, tax, NI, fees for education and professional registration) 

it is knocking on for a year since the release of covers by musicians of bremen

horsemouth brought painbirds (he'd been playing it with minty), he's pleased with how it came out (he likes the organ).  howard brought turn your heater on but it was horsemouth who reworked it to the telephone love rhythm (sort of), softening its edges in the process (which may have been a mistake).  howard brought their second attempt to record blue crystal fire (which is kind of a secret track). 

these are horsemouth's usual wibblings.  

ok he's had his coffee (now it's time for toast). 

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