Monday 2 August 2021

notes written on a monday morning in the seaside towns

'what a strange status this book has, and how strange its destiny has been.' 

- michel trebitsch in his preface to henri lefebvre's critique of everyday life.

it's a bright blue beautiful morning in the seaside towns (horsemouth thought it was supposed to rain).

yesterday horsemouth did a few practical things. himself and sten put the curtain rail back up in the living room (as part of horsemouth's bring the living room back into use and remove sten's shite from underfoot project).  if he moves the IKEA shelving up into the living room he can probably get the books back in there and out of the bathroom (don't ask). the key to it is probably getting the tv back into service. 

he also sorted out his jeans and t-shirts so as to remove the ripped and torn ones (sadly the tb-303 can you feel it? t-shirt has to go, but the james acord t-shirt he'll keep, his akira t-shirt went west a long time ago). horsemouth has plenty pairs of jeans (there's really no need for him to be wandering about in anything ripped and torn). 

he's also chucked his blue quechua coat (£20 - five years service).  the real task would be to sort out the socks and underwear. actual shirts he hardly ever wears. jumpers/ fleeces he also has too many of.

horsemouth supposes he should go and find a clothes recycling station and actually get rid of them. (stuff is not gone until it is actually out of the house - and no that does not mean the front garden).  

he had a plan to tidy up the kitchen (but he didn't get around to it).

seeing as horsemouth has been made redundant over the age of 5_ he can activate his works pension now and he's been looking into doing that. not that it will be very much (about a grand a year) because horsemouth is one of the 'compulsory enrolled at the last minute by his employer' workers so there's only about 5 years of contributions in it - to be honest it was probably this additional expense that killed off horsemouth's job, it just took a little time). 

horsemouth is keen to activate his works pension because, while work has the advantage of disrupting horsemouth's boredom, he is a lazy sod who would like to do as little of it as possible. this will have to last him out until he hits his state pension (whenever that will be). 

horsemouth will cheer up when his actual redundancy cheque hits (but on the downside he'll probably have to give the work laptop back as well). 

this week more cat-sitting (but closer to home). thursday horsemouth is off round to howard's to work on material for the next musicians of bremen album, sunday the 6th anniversary of volume two. later in the month the first anniversary of covers. 

lefebvre has a funny kind of life. the PCF (the french communist party) should have embraced him with open arms but in fact they are not sure if they want the gifts he brings to the party (it's like with althusser later). lefebvre is close to the situationists, he's interested in everyday life and how people actually live it.  

last night horsemouth found some welsh prog (bran - he doesn't remember their photo being up on the wall of the welsh language teaching room when he went to school in the 70ies, budgie yes.). he watched a 1923 silent movie salome allegedly (well at least according to kenneth anger) made entirely by a cast a gay people in the style of oscar wilde and aubrey beardsley and a 1933 movie lot in sodom. 

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