Sunday 29 August 2021

sunny this morning (thereafter rubbish)

sunny this morning (thereafter rubbish).  horsemouth types this sitting up in bed with a jumper on and the duvet over his knees. 

not broadcast at the time footage has emerged of the incredible string band performing/ miming to october song, broadcast/ not broadcast on dutch VJOEW TV. recorded on 2nd October 1967. the clip has some awesome tape distortion sound. 

horsemouth finds himself contemplating autumn but there's still a few weeks of decent temperatures and sunshine to go. 

horsemouth found a podcast with some genuine BOC fans reviewing secret treaties (or at least people prepared to say nice things about it). the main thing it makes horsemouth realise is that he much prefers through assembled albums where some effort is made to take you on a  musical journey with transitions (even if deliberately abrupt transitions) between the songs. roadhawks has this, 12 dreams of dr. sardonicus has this, even warrior on the edge of time has this (certainly in the assault and battery/ golden void transition). and secret treaties has it a lot, submarine noises, tape collages of musical boxes... 

murray krugman (the day to day producer in the studio) deserves a lot of credit for assembling it. 

horsemouth regrets not being able to get a musicians of bremen volume four into this format for you. lots of the songs have part IIs and would have been ripe for stitching together (but hey-ho). 

secret treaties is the sum of the talents in and around the band. none of the lyrics are by band members (leaning heavily on patti smith, richard meltzer, sandy pearlman) and are mostly  incomprehensible gibberish. one of the panellists makes the very good point that albums were very mysterious before the internet, you only had the cover, the lyrics and whatever they deigned to tell you on the sleeve to work out what was going on. rock lyrics seldom have to do more than suggest a mood.

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