Monday 6 September 2021

a hawk/ the maltese falcon ('from the standpoint of finality')

what does it mean to see a hawk (in your dreams)?

what is the significance of the dragonfly?

a squirrel (bearing a nut)

passes by

yesterday while he walked around the marshes (doing his best to top up his tan for the last time before the  long cold winter) horsemouth saw a hawk (a kestrel he believes) but clearly a young one (not hunting very efficiently). he decided to interpret it in terms of the eye of horus (the all seeing eye). the hawk is of course a noble beast (apex predator). 

zadkiel, sibley, freud and jung were not very helpful (he was forced to rely upon the internet). he has the jung (dreams) recently returned from enza (visual reference for the fall of the house of fitzgerald lots of men and women standing around in circular frames. jung begins by recapping freud's theories (from the interpretation of dreams).

the dream contains an idea so dangerous that it can only be expressed in a coded fashion (so that the dreamer may not understand it).  and yet it must be expressed so it is there. 

horsemouth was pleased by his seeing a hawk.

horsemouth watched the exorcist III before bedtime (but it was dull). he fiddled about on the guitar (recently he'd had a crack at astronomy singing it down on Em and D - previously he'd been up on Am and G. he continues to work on jai guru deva. he has been playing all this on the laramie in standard tuning. 

howard has been busy too. his songs are pretty much there (he just doesn't have the time to finish them off right now). they are stronger more assured (perhaps it's time for a re-run of volume two). 

horsemouth has made some progress on the communal endeavour - he has constructed a timeline with the various options/ projects events on it (and a brief summary of where each of these projects leaves the reserves and the yearly surplus). 

today. er... today. horsemouth does not know. it's the week isn't it. allegedly no reply from the pensions people until thursday. horsemouth has to decide whether to accept some work (but seeing as they haven't paid him yet for the previous lot yet he's not very keen). he's waiting for the arrival of the end of month bank statement (then he'll know for sure). 

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