Friday 10 September 2021

horsemouth posts off some CDs

he did indeed ladies and gentlemen (a volume three and a volume four). such was the productive part of his day. hopefully they will arrive safely and the recipient will like them. 

last night he watched some of web of the spider a 1971 italo-horror remake that starts with a drunken edgar allen poe (klaus kinski) telling ghost stories in a bar - a 'lord blackwood' also features who tempts a reporter visiting poe to spend the night in a haunted castle on all souls eve. (halloween). kinski chews the scenery most effectively (and even looks a bit like edgar allen poe). he is suitably haunted, he knows that ghosts are real.  

horsemouth is short on material (because he is doing very little) so he will have to pad it out with some philosophical reflections. tomorrow a visit to howard (maybe). horsemouth's  ribs are still giving him a bit of gyp, he suspects its because of his bad posture when he sits in bed and works so he has swapped to the desk to type this. he's had his cup of coffee. the bin men have been.

he is reminded of the frozen shoulder work gave him. a bath would be good (but he hasn't had one in five years) it will have to be a shower. 

this morning while making the cup of coffee he watched a fox climb up on the roof of the garden shed and onto the roof of the kitchen. it was a fine healthy red beastie. it was away (presumably over the other roofs) before horsemouth could get out to take a look at it. 

horsemouth is still waiting on the pensions people (it's not a game changer but it is a help). this would be the time of year when he was heading back to work in the fields of education (and moaning about it). later today a storm and then the temperatures return to the seasonal average and we roll towards the equinox and the long dark tunnel.  

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