Thursday 2 September 2021

in the words of eric cartman...

 'I hate you guys...' 

horsemouth went to a meeting of the communal endeavour. he presented where he'd got to with the the thing he'd said he'd do (having failed to circulate it round the people he said he'd circulate it round). it seemed to go ok. now all he has to do is write the fucking thing.

of course the entire process of it is not how he would wish it.

people want cheaper rent (horsemouth gets it. he'd like cheaper rent himself). to have cheaper rent means either having more money coming in (more properties aka. development) or less money going out (restructuring aka. cuts to services). horsemouth will be proposing both.

the key alternative is always already to do nothing (the communal endeavour's preferred means of operation). when the people whose housing is being handed back come to you for re-housing just invite them to piss off (why not?) or you could make efforts to rehouse them (or as many of them as can reasonably be afforded) - but hey no, that would be trying to do something. 

it is always tempting to let the frustrations of the process retain our attention (because it's really quite frustrating) but it's futile. 

a farewell to kings by rush was recorded in wales (well ok rockfield, monmouthshire) and released yesterday 1977. (it owes a lot to budgie horsemouth thinks)

'scheming demons rest in kingly guise,

scoffing at the multitude.

and beating down the wise...'

there are birds to be heard on it (mostly on the fake baroque guitar intro). this is of course fiercely modern and no-one could possibly have thought of it before lockdown.  horsemouth was just having a quick look at spirit of the radio. 

after the meeting horsemouth stomped home in high dudgeon and threw a few beers down his neck (and then he calmed down). 

horsemouth hopes he's got the administrations in and the tap will be turned on. 

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