Sunday 26 September 2021

the cottenham medley/ the cottenham pram race

yesterday horsemouth was up and out early so no blogging.

back after a 48 hour layoff  horsmouth has just polished off the first round of coffee and is contemplating the second. it's a slightly cooler morning this morning and it was a slightly cooler night last night. horsemouth had the window shut and pulled a sleeping bag ontop of the duvet. 

yesterday horsemouth was watching the suzuki method of music teaching in action. small children (with varying degrees of concentration) were attending to their studies. the parents sat in a corner (carefully masked). there was singing of the sol-fa and an introduction to bar lines and time signatures. 

horsemouth shares a clip of c.joynes playing the cottenham medley the only other thing horsemouth has found out about cottenham is this little clip of the cottenham pram race. (horsemouth does hope it's the same cottenham). the earliest pram race horsemouth can find online is the 1954 pagham pram race. (apparently they used to be big in east anglia too).

in other tasks horsemouth was instructing a small child in how to read the time from clocks - this sadly resulted in an alarm clock detonating at 2am and waking up the whole block. (er. oops). 

the clock is of course the beginning of self-discipline and of the insertion of the child into the world of production. horsemouth (as a result of careful training in the world of work) always wakes up at around 7am and begins the tasks of the day. he is never tempted to slug-a-bed. the pram race babies are of course regressing their way out of this, but here the babies push the pram also (though in fact fancy dress is acceptable in most pram races). 

today horsemouth recovers. monday a meeting of the communal endeavour. the last week of september. the anniversaries of various late john coltrane recordings up in seattle. 

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