Sunday 28 November 2021

back from out east (city slang)

horsemouth is back from out east (he does like it out there, it's like traveling back in time). 

first himself and howard tried out some songs then they went to the pub with pizza (two pints each and pizza - well howard had a carbonara pasta dish which he pronounced most excellent). then they relocated to the large empty pub on the corner which was selling volden session (one of their favourite beers). 

when questioned by howard about his musical plans horsemouth had to admit that his various collaborations were effectively stymied by circumstance at the minute and that probably the thing to do was to go off and woodshed  a new series of solo tunes. (so he is in a position to vary his live set). 

as usual horsemouth would gladly have stayed out longer (getting more and more incoherent) but at some point howard called a halt and sent him off home with a falafel wrap.

this is of course an expensive hobby for a poor mule to have. he really should try and do it less. the next opportunity for such things will be after the meeting of the communal endeavour in early december. thereafter horsemouth will get jabbed (his bertie wooster) and then it will be the solstice, horsemouth will (probably) be back with his folks and he doesn't tend to drink much there. 

back at home horsemouth continued watching the superstition series (horsemouth would have watched this in 77 as a kid - werewolves, ghosts what's not to like) and fell into a deep slumber. 

it looks like a cold and clear skies day out there. 

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