Saturday 20 November 2021

'no verdict...' (peace in kenosha and the correct use of time)

'no verdict will be able to bring back the lives of anthony huber and joseph rosenbaum, or heal gaige grosskreutz's injuries...'

you'd think they'd manage to secure the conviction of the guy who is on film shooting them though. 

'just as no verdict can heal the wounds or trauma experienced by jacob blake and his family...' (jacob blake shot and paralysed, officer not charged and  returned to duty). that was on film too. 

after these thoughts on the futility of legal process this there is a call for peace from wisconsin governor tony evers. 

'we must have peace in kenosha and our communities, and any efforts or actions aimed at sowing division are unwelcome in our state as they will only hinder that healing.'

what kind of healing can take place if there is no effective legal process wonders horsemouth. at one time it was held that police brutality would die out because there would be  armies of citizen journalists filming any such events and the police would be prosecuted because the evidence was unanswerable (this was about 10 minutes before the LA 92 riot). this has turned out not to be the case. 

elsewhere in wisconsin (in a better wisconsin) joni mitchell skates on lake mendota and onto the cover of hejira looking somewhat like a crow (in b&w) the wind blows her across the ice her shawl acting like a sail. 

meanwhile in rio gordo (near malaga) robert lawson and joel knispel (both of the riogordo freedom orchestra) sit down to improvise of an afternoon. this is the correct use of time. rob even plays slide guitar for the first time in a while. people come in, the dog barks...

horsemouth did not make the correct use of time. he read a little (black snow) and made a list of actually existing recorded horsemouthfolk tracks that he might redeploy on a solo album sometime. (he's a lazy sod - too lazy to contemplate re-recording). 

black snow never happened. this we do not discover until the afterward.

'I should have warned the reader that I had  nothing whatever to do with the a foregoing jottings... maxudov had no connection whatsoever with playwriting or with the theatre in his life, and he remained what he had always been - a junior employee of the newspaper 'the shipping gazette'...'

after a 140 page part 1 the book stops suddenly a mere 30 pages into part 2 with this caligari type disavowal. we are only just getting into the rehearsals for the play and into the full horror of 'the method' (the thing the book is famous for). 

later (in the evening) horsemouth watched zoltan - hound of dracula. jose ferrer manages to keep a straight face. a much better  people in an RV being terrorised movie would be race with the devil. 

today howard visits (he's picking up a new guitar locally - what another one? so it would appear). it's a grey day (so maybe a walk). next week a meeting of the communal endeavour (monday? wednesday?) leading to a meeting in about a fortnight's time. thereafter horsemouth will get his booster jab and (all things being well) go and hide at his parents for the winter solstice

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