Wednesday 10 November 2021

one year since regular service was established on blogspot

what horsemouth should be doing is turning around and re-reading elizabeth costello but he's not, he's gone straight on to reading theresia enzensberger's novel about the bauhaus blueprint (which is great so far) - klee, kandinsdky etc. etc.

it's three years since horsemouth's first solo gig at water into beer  in south london, he thanks martin howard and lou for getting him on. horsemouth (a motivational speaker with a sideline playing music as he was recently advised to rebrand himself) very much enjoyed it (it was just the right size).

he's playing again in early february (assuming everything goes to plan/ he does not die etc.). 

it's one year since regular service was established on blogspot following the ending of the facebook notes tool (and indeed the great myspace blog dieback). now horsemouth would have preferred to keep the daily diarising and the curated list of interesting posts separate (but it was  not to be).

sean has been reading his way through the blogpostings (he has surfaced in the email). 

last night a modern take on dagon (2001) - a slightly delicatessen kind of take. 

capitalism, the beast, as horsemouth sometimes refers to it faces a transition problem, it had assumed that the old carbon producing companies would be profitable forever (but instead they must be shut down) these losses leave them with little ready capital to kick off the whole renewables/net zero thing. further there will be inflationary pressures as the scarcity of the carbon drives up prices of all the goods dependent upon them. 

'procrastination has reduced the chances of engineering an orderly transition...'

add to this climate refugees and instability.

horsemouth's plan (in as much as he has one) is to retire to the metaphorical hills. 

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