Thursday 17 March 2022

after the (blood) rain (reveries of the solitary walker)

this morning the weather is beautiful and gorgeous (after the blood rain). 

it will wash away the sahara sand. 

yesterday - horsemouth does politics. today - who knows? 

yesterday was also the day horsemouth threw not one, but two, almighty strops. he emerged from both of these feeling righteous. he decided to up the ante rather than continue to feel frustrated and miserable. he is glad he did. 

if there is a defect to horsemouth's character it is that he avoids conflict (he doesn't like the odds) 

... and so things tend to build up. what triggered it? well maybe it was the weather... and maybe it was five years of persistent fucking bollocks. horsemouth does enjoy a good tantrum. and once detonated he can generate such a good head of steam that no one need ever suspect he's a shandy drinking lightweight and no danger to anybody. (maybe)

and it makes him feel the day hasn't been wasted.

achyfi! more bollocks at the communal endeavour. 

this was also 'triggering' as the youth might say and put horsemouth in a proper stroppy mood. he stomped in to sign the form for the bank and then came back moderately cheered up having done his revolutionary duty. he supposes the advantage of horsemouth's homelife is that he can scream, rage and stomp his little feet in a way that isn't available to him at the communal endeavour where he has to remain mercilessly polite with people.

'why? why must I waste valuable time...' sing the smiths. 

the old paul (or horsemouth if you prefer) was much more about this kind of fire energy. in horsemouth's opinion the old him wasted too much energy on conflict and might have achieved better results if he'd had a cooler head. sadly this may not be true. 

Jimi Hendrix - House Burning Down (1968) from Oliviero 'Olli' Rocca on Vimeo.

this morning the weather is beautiful and gorgeous (after the blood rain) if a little cold. horsemouth types this in a jumper (or two) with the window open. 

today? horsemouth thinks a walk. up the valley of the agapemonians to walthamstralia. perhaps to purchase more books. the maupassant he has stalled on, he thinks he will take up the jean-jacques rousseau reveries of the solitary walker - a book that combines books and walking. a book where after years of disgrace and opprobrium jean-jacques finds peace (because he no longer gives a shit). or so he writes in his book anyway (which may lead you to suspect it is not entirely true). the book is published after his death s it may be he just wrote it to sort his own head out and cheer himself up. 

shit dudes. yesterday was fred neil day. (born march 16, 1936)

'and when I look back

I will remember 

good times

warm days filled with sunshine

and just a little bit of rain...'

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