Monday 14 March 2022

in the week of the spring equinox

it's a monday morning. horsemouth probably needs to get on with things. he had a productive day last week (he also went out for a wander with TG and visited howard in far off east ham).

last night horsemouth was watching mimsy farmer being driven crazy in yet another giallo (the perfume of the lady in black). horsemouth had watched it before (but had conveniently forgotten most of the plot details). he remembered that she has an alice fixation. 

it is the week of the spring equinox when the days and nights become the same length. we move up out of the dark half of the year (and into the sunny uplands of peace and prosperity). the overall temperature depends on the heating effect of the sun (and the orientation of the hemisphere) but it is cumulative so it will take another month for the temperatures to start appreciably rising from winter's (at least in this hemisphere). we move towards the summer solstice and the days with the most daylight and then through the warmest months but also back down ladder of shorter days past the autumn equinox and into the long dark tunnel of autumn. 

horsemouth has embraced the potentials of cyclic time. 

the weekend after that denise is over to visit (way-hey). british summer time kicks in. horsemouth is maybe up to the hills to cat-sit. howard has the easter break off and so there may be music.

if there is to be music horsemouth will have to get planning.  

something's on your mind he can probably play and sing straight through on one of the hohners (and then replace the harmonics at the start with ones from the resonator). the only tune he's written on late, jai guru (lifted from across the universe), he thinks he could play that straight through, and then add a track of clapping and chanting (and then maybe some tracks of the melodica and the glockenspiel - think tyrannosaurus rex). hear us o lord (from heaven thy dwelling place) he thinks he could play on a hohner in dropped-d (perhaps there are more lyrics to be had). wondrous love maybe is a runner (again the hohner). 

it would be good to get the 12 string on something (and maybe some slide guitar parts on another)

he was reading some maupassant. he had to adopt the strategy of reading the stories in  the book in reverse order in order to get himself started. 

above the story of hawkwind (the in bath years) and the tour without dave brock(!). the squats and housing co-ops of bath and the bands that came out of them from the band practice rooms within them. 

horsemouth (as sten remarked) is showing no great enthusiasm for getting back to work. he's quite happy (so far) to pootle about. his penury is going well (or well enough).  the last time he tried this he got bored. 

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