Wednesday 30 March 2022

untitled draft (there are a number of people who read these posts regularly to them horsemouth says good morning)

that's how this post started out. a veritable tabula rasa (that horsemouth created by accident yesterday and chose to use today). later he will press the button marked publish so that people other than himself will have access to it if they go looking for it (it's a somewhat reduced sense of publish). he will place an advert/ excerpt for this post in his facebook homepage posts (ditto), the facebook algorithm will place a number of these adverts in the feeds of some of his friends.

there are a number of people who read these posts regularly (to them horsemouth says good morning). there is a broader (though still small) group of people who dip in if they like the topic. 

the sai anantham singers gig above was possibly attended by horsemouth and howard (but it wasn't them who bootlegged it for consumption by the masses). if he remembers correctly there were two gigs an evening so they had to peg it to the earlier gig as fast as their little legs would carry was one of his favourite gigs ever he thinks. 

horsemouth remembers when the cold war ended. there was a lot of discussion about the possibility of a peace dividend now that vast military expenditure to (allegedly) deter the russian bear would not be required. production would be diverted to creating solar panels and windfarms etc. and to saving the planet. the lion would lie down with the lamb etc. 

horsemouth does not believe that happened. instead we entered the modern world of international travel, immigration controls and terrorism (entering properly and definitely with 9/11). freed of the limiting factor of the soviet union the US embarked upon a series of disastrous wars in iraq and afghanistan and a half-hearted campaign of regime change across the arab world (libya, syria, egypt etc.). the eastern bloc (as was) was dismembered and restructured in a chaotic fashion (think yugoslavia) and then forgotten. it became little more than a source of cheap labour. this sowed the seeds of what we are now seeing in ukraine. 

there will be no coronovirus dividend either as far as horsemouth can see. 

last night horsemouth watched a little of knife of ice (umberto lenzi 1972) a giallo from the golden era set in the catalunyan foothills of the french alps. there is little doubt that dario argento is the king of this genre and it is because he's a naughty man who derives great pleasure in getting what he sees in his minds eye up on the cinema screen. it is a fever dream where logic and plot is not the deciding factor but pleasure and sensation. no one else seems to have the budget or the eye for it (lenzi, fulci, crispino even mario bava who is arguably the originator of the genre). 

it's all hitchcock really. 

today a greyish cold morning. later (7.30pm) horsemouth goes to a face-to-face meeting of the communal endeavour.  he will endeavour to test before he does this. he will try to get the guitars out and do some work on his singing and playing. 

the good news on horsemouth's escape plan continues. tomorrow the triple negative gig (assuming horsemouth is well) and the last of the cheap gas and electricity. horsemouth will do his gigs, films, books, events list for the month. 

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