Tuesday 14 June 2022

blake's 7 or vanya on 42nd street (25 years)

horsemouth has watched the last episode of blake's 7 - they all die in slow motion in a welter of gunfire. (excepting avon - his death is not shown it is only heard). so perish all revolutionaries (even the reluctant ones). 

later horsemouth starts to watch uncle vanya on 42nd street -  a play within a play.

and  the play within a play is uncle vanya, the 'superfluous men' (and women) gather at a russian country house, time and futility hangs heavy, the doctor plants trees and makes great utopian claims for the effects of tree planting. (claims that resonate with our desperately ecological times) our nebbish thinks if he can only get the wife of the magistrate his life will not have been wasted (or at least the magical number of the last 25 years). but time is out of joint nothing they try and do will work, they must wait for other times and other people. 

25 years of social researches sings bob calvert. 25 years of work and 25 years of second hand book buying out of it for horsemouth. (and now he must disperse his collections). 25 years of accumulating schemes of work and hand-outs and budgets and committee papers, of filing them out of the way (and now they must face the judgement of the green  recycling bag). 

yesterday horsemouth went for a wander with TG down to the tescos at bromley by bow then back along the fragment of the greenway through the olympic park to home. it yielded some more photos of horsemouth in nature (considering horsemouth lives in a city it is comparatively green round his way). 

he went home to run his feet under the cold tap and had a snooze. there had been a plan to meet up with howard after he took his bike back in for repairs (but that didn't happen).  they may meet up next saturday (pre-solstice)  or they may not. 

horsemouth is into holiday season. 

four years ago he was planning to be off to cork. six years ago he was in porto. 

today a beautiful day outside already with temperatures rising up to 30C at the weekend (30C is only any use to horsemouth when he is at the beach). 

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