Wednesday 29 June 2022

books, films, gigs, events june 2022 (a little early)


- blake's 7 (missing a chunk in the middle)

- the fog (john carpenter original)

- cornell woolrich season (the black angel, johnny o'clock, you'll never see me again (1972), the chase (1946))

- swamp water (1941), dana andrews in okeefenokee swamp set noir

- gialli (continued). death laid an egg, a tanta paura

- vanya on 42nd street (hail the superfluous men)

- stalker (tarkovsky) 

- will be wild and other podcasts on january 6th 2021

- grenfell tower fire inquiry podcast

- no hawkbinge but two podcasts on the blue oyster cult instead

- the time bandits (featuring napoleon)

- various 'worker and parasite' cartoons

- outlaw bookseller, bookpilled

- interview with victor atkins who painted the cover for miles davis' 'miles in the sky'


- a great unrecorded history (biography of e.m. forster) plus lionel trilling's appreciation of him

- the strange library (murakami)

- a life of napoleon (stendhal) 

- the sans culottes (albert soboul) started

- snow crash (neal stephenson) 

- FT weekend sections june 16-17th and 25-26th

- LRB, NLR blogs and any free articles

- the travels (marco polo)


coldfire festival (community gig) - a band fronted by a girl in a hijab (with a girl in a hijab on drums) played killing in the name of  by rage against the machine then a band where two girls alternated each line covering material girl by madonna. 

- listened to the  webb david show online (a kind of techno dub) 


9 years since the first attempt at a musicians of bremen gig (howard got sick and had to  go home), 7 years since the first musicians of bremen duo gig, 2 years since the release of the humming, one year since the solo gig supporting haress in hereford for weirdshire. 

meeting of the communal endeavour, childmindings (various), fail to attend leigh folk festival, solstice, various weekend beers with howard, walks with TG, anniversary of the grenfell fire, hide out in the cloud forests of walthamstralia release of strangemouth's dog and bone (the video featuring enza).

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