Saturday 18 June 2022

special energies attend a polemical purpose

good morning! good morning!

horsemouth has made it to the weekend (now less of a challenge seeing as he no longer works).

it's official - 3 days in a row - baby it's a... HEATWAVE (mercifully this morning is cooler). and what we have here is a pale reflection of what people are going through in spain and the south of france (but tbh horsemouth was mostly hiding in doors anyway). 

he may see howard today (he may not). they are covered by wednesday's drinking and bike repair combo. 

special energies attend 

a polemical purpose

from a country that no longer exists

the industry is gone 

leaving only 

rust stains

and call-centre jobs...

horsemouth has been compiling up 'poetry' (ok ok modern blank verse) from his previous writings. 

last night the giallo death laid an egg (1968). 

the despicable italian post-war bourgeoisie are at it again (infidelity, use of prostitutes, decadent parties, snobbery, exploitation of the workers) and in this case they are even worse than usual because they own a factory farm. the workers have been fired and replaced by technology, a geneticist is on hand attempting to breed/mutate chickens without heads and wings (to save space). an ad man has arrived bearing designs of friendly chickens inserted into roles in human society. there is a chicken marketing board. someone is going to end up fed into the grinder and fed to the chickens (you can just tell).

the owl service have composed and recorded five new tracks, which present a contemporary exploration of traditional essex folk songs. they will be performing at the 30th annual leigh folk festival, in the fisherman’s chapel at 2.30pm on sunday 26th june. horsemouth does not know if he will make it (but he will probably try). 

horsemouth has washed his duvet and his sleeping bag (taking advantage of the summer heat to dry them thoroughly). this morning horsemouth will go for a quick wander round (and then see what the day has to offer). 

he did some litter picking on the marshes. (dutty humans).

for a while he was contemplating the use of the rainstick and the venusian death-rattle (a golf ball in a small pringles container) on no name resonate (to be renamed guitar piece (for pier marton)). he has been experimenting with adding john's thumb piano (on a sort of and-one rhythm and possibly more). 

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