Thursday 16 June 2022

sweet black angel

so it's here 

the song and the video  of strange mouth's mighty dog and bone. horsemouth is impressed - excellent drumming, great keyboard playing (she said she'd got good musicians for it and she wasn't lying), horsemouth loves her guitar sound and riff. 

and the video too - lots of enza being stylish in a variety of frocks. 

horsemouth has been watching films made from the books of lesser known crime novelist cornell woolrich. so the leopard man (lewton/ tourneur) was one of his (under the the title the black alibi), as was the black angel (which horsemouth watched last night)a hitchcock  in fact), two truffauts, a fassbinder and even seven blood-stained orchids (1972) (novel rendezvous in black), an umberto lenzi giallo. horsemouth used to have an omnibus edition with three or four tales in it (certainly rear window and the excellently titled waltz into darkness)

in the black angel there's been a murder, a musical duo form to alibi their surveillance of a suspect (club owner peter lorre). peter lorre is a strange gangster, he goes to shostakovich concerts. 

yesterday the sun shone. horsemouth attended a meeting (on teams) to build a consortium of small housing co-ops to bid for government money to insulate their houses (and to get the actual work done of insulating them). there are a lot of questions at this stage. a lot of people are set up to run day to day they don't have much experience of running projects.  

later he went out to meet up with howard at the bike shop and thence to pub on the park for a summer pint (or two). the sun shone and horsemouth worried about getting sunburn on the back of his neck. on their way out they bumped into pat and little jo (who had previously claimed that howard did not exist and was a figment of horsemouth's imagination). 

tomorrow 32C (allegedly). 

saturday possibly howard. 

sunday an alice coltrane anniversary. 

next week the solstice, a management committee meeting and at the weekend the leigh folk festival


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