Saturday 6 August 2022

horsemouth a man of few words (but at least they fit)

in the master and margarita margarita is about to ask for the favour from the devil (thus tidying up the loose ends of the plot). horsemouth only opened it before deciding he wanted to sleep more than he wanted to read. 

with the broch he has hit p.32 - pasenow has met ruzena.

three years ago horsemouth was recording guitar parts for musicians of bremen volume four (tracks that became broadbury down, a demo for pagodas, painbirds). 6 years ago horsemouth was moving into his current abode. 8 years ago the musicians of bremen were playing only their second duo gig for TG, the headliner was a.j. holmes of the hackney empire who played a palm wine guitar set (he had been taught by folo graff of orchestre jazira - horsemouth was briefly taught by him at jenako arts back in the 80ies).  thanks TG much appreciated.  9 years ago he was recording guitar parts for musicians of bremen volume one. 

this year horsemouth is not being recorded (howard, who usually does the recording, is off frolicking in the rivers of maine - he has sent a photo). howard also sent a recording of a new song of his and complained that he was having problems making the lyrics fit, horsemouth replied that it was good, howard replied that horsemouth was a man of few words, horsemouth replied yes he was a man of few words (but at least they fit). 

typical actions of the evening

horsemouth often tells you what he is up to in the morning (when he writes these blogs). it is  less often that he tells you what he is up to in the evenings.

the days are consecrated to work (even though horsemouth is now a mule of leisure - he has been put out to pasture - he still feels this). 

only after 6pm does horsemouth relax ('his time is now his own' how ridiculous is that?).  he had watched a little of the bbc news earlier (freeview 231), he watched the C4 news (7-8pm) sat in the living room, he watched some camping videos and then some thrift a life/ bookpilled  videos lying in his bed. the guy's a comic genius, he does a review of his picking choices as a reaction video 'didn't sell', 'hasn't sold yet', 'in fact, none of these sold',  the sadder, wiser him interacts with the younger more enthusiastic him (there is some eye-rolling). 

around about 9.30pm horsemouth is replying to howard (as detailed above) -he can tell this because he's researching the lyrics to cagey cretins by the blue oyster cult (the only reference to the state of maine he thinks he's found in a rock and roll song at about 1.05). 

yesterday (day) horsemouth walked over to the supermarket in the fields  to buy coffee (four miles there and back). this compares with the 3 miles and back over to aldi (but horsemouth was carrying a rucksack with about 10kgs of food on the return portion of the journey). after that he researched the PAS2035 standard for housing retrofit. after that he listened to the world at one and then alternated between the back garden and his bedroom to do the reading. 

it looks like horsemouth's redundancy money and work's pension taken in advance will stretch out until roughly the winter solstice. thereafter he will be digging into his savings to support his louche and lazy lifestyle. last time he tried unemployment it was  the boredom that got him. 

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