Tuesday 16 August 2022

looks like the jig is up

horsemouth finally got the email from ex-work (aka. the artist formerly known as work) asking where their laptop was.

(at a minimum this means horsemouth has to buy a new laptop)

he's waiting to get the email back to see how they want to handle it. horsemouth is out of town so it is difficult for him to hand it back directly.

it would be a major change for horsemouth to be without a laptop. obviously this whole blogging/ social media lark pretty much depends on it (unless horsemouth is going to return to patronising libraries).  the degree of isolation the lockdown called for was only possible because of the laptop. similarly horsemouth's word heavy/ contact light  post pandemic lifestyle. 

hey hey horsemouth has just seen a rabbit (he's up early typing this). that's good news (it means the rabbit population is recovering). he can't assess age and condition. he tried taking a photo but it's too far away for that to make sense. it's just the one rabbit. locally horsemouth would sometimes see rabbits over by the far fence but far fewer in recent years. 

horsemouth's dad has it in for the squirrels but on the other hand feeds the birds. 

compared to london it is all very green. horsemouth proposed a rainwater cistern to help with the watering (this place gets a lot of rain in winter). they have tidied up the bit on horsemouth's side of the house. 

horsemouth is waiting for people to get up (this is the disadvantage of being able to suit himself). 

horsemouth's dad is up. horsemouth mentioned the rabbit. 'plenty of them about' remarked his dad. maybe it is on the turn, maybe the rabbit can come back from the  myxomatosis.  horsemouth thinks his dad is overstating.  he will go for a walk and see if he sees any. 

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