Wednesday 21 September 2022

a sorry collection of murders (under the sign of the hot water bottle)

horsemouth is back to an earlier time of getting up. 

the girl with the motorcycle has returned. the couple with the kid from two doors up are loading him into the car (together with granny looks like). those thin fleece jackets are popular (woman walking past). soon the neighbours doing the school/ nursery run.

later tonight a meeting (7pm). earlier a visit from  the electrician (probably). daryll has moved a ton (probably literally) of his stuff out (the junk room looks forlorn without it). horsemouth was most impressed by the efficiency of the operation on the one hand and by its inefficiency on the other (lots of dudes standing around waiting). 

horsemouth has mostly been reading the lover  (by marguerite duras - this being a novel of the type, thinly disguised autobiography). he has a few pages to go. she wrote another novel about the same events the north china lover (but it is much less famous). he's sure he had some other boos by her round here.

he was reading her a lot a year ago too. he reads her a lot . his reading has slowed down of late. but on the other hand he diarises and blogs a lot (it's his favourite part of the day). he takes inspiration from her  practicalities (and from primo levi's christ stopped at eboli) - both accounts of everyday life.

last night he watched dr.phibes has risen again. its pleasure is that it is an art deco jazz age grand guignol, the trailer is just a sorry collection of murders. horsemouth saw the trailer in the caerphilly castle cinema as a child, it scared and fascinated him. later (but still a child) he read a horror magazine with an account of the plot of the first dr.phibes movie (perhaps it was the same one that contained the photo story novelisation of hammer horror's frankenstein). hell he even saw some vampira comics ('mas caliente' as the granny in the valencia flea market put it). a few nights ago he watched the amicus-styled portmanteau horror the uncanny (spoiler: cats rule the world against them even peter cushing has no chance). 

dr. phibes is of course similar to dr.who. in that there is a magician and a (much younger) glamourous assistant. it is a magic show (except that each 'trick' is a gruesome murder).  

we are rolling (as a planet) towards the equinox (when the days and nights are of nearly equal length). the season of  autumn begins in earnest for us in the northern hemisphere, the days become shorter, the nights become longer, the summer heat leaves the system radiating off into space and, at the winter solstice, we enter the season of winter. 

horsemouth hopes they will be mild seasons (because he cannot afford to heat the house). this winter will be conducted under the sign of  the hot water bottle (such are the kindnesses of our rulers).. 

ok no electrician today (electrician tomorrow). meeting this evening 

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