Saturday 24 September 2022

equinox past

horsemouth is up. the autumn equinox has been and gone.

today a plan to go for a walk in vicky park (a lot of sticky k's right there). he's waiting for his respondent to get up. afternoon a gig (maybe). this evening a party maybe. 

horsemouth rolls towards the end of the year. frankly he's just as knackered as if he'd worked it. look at him now - he's up with the binmen (hail binmen) because of anxiety and such like. there is however nothing that horsemouth can do - he just has to work at other things to keep him distracted until the necessary vote can be taken.

see this was the great advantage of work - it got him out of the house and (at least while he was working) he couldn't think about his other shit. 

horsemouth was doing some bargaining with himself. 

what if horsemouth's grand scheme doesn't come off? how will he feel then?

horsemouth is in a housing co-op. together they'll have rolled the rock up the hill past two houses, one of which was sold to house more people in flats, another house and a flat out in east ham/ plaistow, more flats replacing hard-to-let houses with a very slight increase in number of people housed..

he could stop it there really and shift his attention on to getting the remaining houses insulated as he gradually steps back from a frankly massively unrewarding task. 

if horsemouth's great scheme does come off (and it involves taking on debt in a time of rising interest rates) more people will be housed out of the great wreck of short-life but it isn't the kind of housing they want particularly. 

horsemouth has let the tension get to him (he admits it). (here he is rehearsing arguments in his head).

ok the coffee tasted good horsemouth is going to get on with having a plan (and then off into the day for the busy social whirl).

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