Thursday 8 September 2022

horsemouth in the dunes (the ethics of life writing)

grey morning. last night horsemouth finished watching woman in the dunes (1964) -  a film so perfectly kafka-esque horsemouth hesitates to mention it.

when he had finished watching the film he had a shower and then read some more of the ethics of life writing before sleep mercifully intervened. 

two girls walk down the street and then, when one checks their phone walk, back lots of 'k's' in that sentence, the letter is sometimes sticky, or horsemouth has become self-conscious about its use. horsemouth takes the recycling out surprising a girl walking to school. (remind him to put a new bag in the recycling bin).

earlier he had taken out the compost. his housemates can certainly generate it but can they take it out to the bin. rhetorical question - no they can not. mind you horsemouth is relieved to see that after a month the take away container has made it downstairs and out of the living room. 

there are new housing bods - there were new housing ministers under the shortlived boris johnson summer  holiday government (but new PM, new ministers). george clarke is now gone (his predecessor michael gove was gone for being disloyal to boris) and is replaced by simon clarke (no relation). the 'consultation' on limiting rent rises will presumably last until  12 october. the secretary of state will then direct the regulator of social housing on rent standards, confirming the maximum amount social housing landlords can increase rents by for 1 april 2023 to 31 march 2024. this will be less than inflation and the housing associations etc. will be expected to suck up the loss. 

the other bods have either been left in place or are so lowly it has not made it into the media or onto the department website who they are yet. still on and up the greasy pole. 

jenrick the bent is now at heath you will all be relieved to hear. 

michael 'he dances alone' gove horsemouth will admit to feeling slightly sorry for, he wanted to do something, he has been prevented from doing it, another  political life ends in failure, he is seen dancing alone in a dundee nightclub (horsemouth is a sucker for the romance of development). 

horsemouth has a plan - he opened the book and looked at it yesterday - people who can be approached for recording, people who can be approached for gigs. he's still not (post-pandemic) fully mobile yet. frankly he's not very up and running. he's having some fun with the 12 string 

horsemouth also has a plan for a CD release. he has three honest to god new tracks - guitar piece (for pier marton), jai guru, murder ballad from the 2022 recording campaign with howard that could be finished off, he has a brace of tunes that never made it to CD the humming, malkin tower, he has stuff he recorded with CATASTRO/fille, and he has some covers. 

in the ethics of life writing a son wants to write a biography of his father. but of course it is not a simple tale of affirmation and therein lies the ethical rub. he ends up writing the biography and writing a long theoretical digression (which he farms off into an essay in the ethics of life writing). something similar happens with broch's the sleepwalkers - except he keeps the long theoretical disquisition in, that's his interest to meld and combine novel and theoretical text. 

horsemouth has the housing stuff and he has the music stuff (and he can do lots of reading and walking round). is this enough? 

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