Friday 30 September 2022

later today a meeting on zoom

hyperion goes well (p.172 and about to get into the third tale. he's done the priest's tale and the soldier's tale. he suspects that bookpilled has reviewed it). 

later today a meeting on zoom. the government social housing decarbonisation fund is open for business. horsemouth spent a little time looking at what the government regard as value for money in this sector and so would be willing to pay for/ match fund (and the answer is not a lot). horsemouth has borrowed ian's laptop from upstairs for the purpose. he's here with his coffee (as he often tells you). when he's done blogging etc. he will have a look. 

retrofitting britain's old, leaky social housing stock, insulating it to make it easier to heat (to the 90kwh/ m2 year standard) is a tough job. hitting the government's decarbonisation targets for social housing will be hard too, but there is at least plenty of time. 

horsemouth published his books, films, gigs, events list for september 2022 yesterday and we could probably look at that as a reading diary. he has left the events part blank for reasons that aren't entirely clear to him. 

hyperion (dan simmons in the SF masterworks series) goes well (as he has said). some combined reading/ watching of paul bowles/ marguerite duras which he supposes fits into a life writing kind of framework (he supposes even hyperion does as a collection of people's tales). the paul auster was a side project of this. the films are probably divisible into the horrors of s hammerish persuasion (dr. phibes rises again, the uncanny,the raven), two japanese tales (woman of the dunes,  ghost story of the snow woman) and two (more straight ahead) thrillers (the driver, assault on precinct 13). 

some photos have emerged of horsemouth playing with robert lee at ayesha and hannah's party (thanks ayesha) - horsemouth wishes that he had put more effort (or indeed any effort)  into preparing for the gig (but it went ok). later rob did an amazing karaoke  piano set which got people up and dancing. 

the binmen have been (or are being). horsemouth has finished the coffee - it's probably time to start getting on with the business of the day. 

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