Sunday 11 September 2022

'just because you wander in the desert (it doesn't mean there is a promised land)'

having made it to saturday. horsemouth makes it to sunday. it's a greyskyish morning, it doesn't look like it rained overnight. here horsemouth pauses to look at the notebook TG gave him which he is using as a diary - he pulls the quote for the title and remembers that he was reading some paul auster online (following on from his reading of the ethics of life writing where paul is mentioned).

hand to mouth  is engaging because it is about a young auster's failure to earn a living, he likes work, he lies the people he meets but it is blue collar work that he enjoys (and that, as we know, while being key, does not pay). in the invention of solitude he is, like kausgaard, engaged in clearing out his father's house after his death. it is an autobiography of the type father and son. 

also last night horsemouth watched ghost story of the snow woman (human-ghost relationships, it is rare that they end well).

the local book boxes are looking sad and empty. horsemouth should go and feed them (seeing as he actually wants to get rid of some books and begin to thin down his collection). broadly horsemouth's two wanders yesterday were out to the book boxes. 

the news is problematic. it is full of dying royals or goremenghast style rituals where the replacement is enthroned. horsemouth is not interested in such bullshit. 

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