Monday 19 September 2022

so where's your real blog? (horsemouth is slightly hung over)

- what?

- you know. the one where you tell the truth and name names and be controversial.

this, to horsemouth, seems like a terrible idea. horsemouth is slightly hung over after an afternoon out in the wilds of east ham with howard (ok HG or whatever anonymisation is deemed necessary) . first they went to the pub with pizza (for pizza and beer) then they relocated up the road to the recently re-opened pub with the volden session. soon enough (as you may guess) horsemouth was the proponent of the more beer party, howard of the 'I think you've had enough'  party.

afterwards he made his way home through the seaside towns rapid mass transit system avoiding evidence of the local jumble trail (a bad idea opines horsemouth, he doesn't want people engaged in pseudo-commercial transactions out in the sunlight, he wants them to anonymously donate their book-stashes (either by leaving them on their front walls or by means of the book-boxes set up for that purpose). horsemouth is not interested in people playing shop. 

he cooked and ate, made an effort to sober up and waited for his mum to call (regular sunday phonecall instituted at the start of the pandemic). 

as usual (after drinking) horsemouth is slightly remorseful. there was a plan to go out this evening but horsemouth has shot his bolt with the east ham visit, he will have to cry off tonight's encounter. 

it's a grey day out there. horsemouth has some washing on the line (his valance, his yellow floral duvet cover) and because of this he's having to use his spare set, a purple valance  and the purple and orange stripey duvet cover). oh look there's some sunshine.  

horsemouth is rolling towards sixty (which is the new thirty for people with arthritis). how did that happen?

before this 60 was a desired state (a staging post on the way to pension day, bus pass day etc.) but now the terrible realisation that he will be old is dawning on him. two birthdays in the next few weeks. possible walk with TG in a bit. horsemouth will check the phone and the email to assess the full extent of his remorse. horsemouth should hurry up and live. 

how should he write about it?

'accounts based on chronology, on external facts, seemed to be the most popular. you start at the beginning of your life and then trundle along towards the present on the rails of public events...' m.duras,practicalities. 

today lots of faffing with the queen ending in her burial tonight. thereafter horsemouth predicts the rapid return of politics as usual. 

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