Thursday 1 September 2022

the arrival of the maine demos (here/ voyage book)

so they're here. the demos from howard's time in maine (and very good they are too). as far as horsemouth can tell it's just one fender FA15 parlour guitar and one vocal (with the occasional harmony). horsemouth has given it a listen through on headphones, and will give it another listen through now. howard's voice was always good but the tunes and arrangements are stronger and his guitar playing is really good these days. he suspects that's it for musicians of bremen stuff for the season.

horsemouth was out early 'taking the air' -  the powerscroft road bookbox was neglected (people are on holiday horsemouth guessses), round the corner on colenso some good finds - . here 1989 by richard mcguire and voyage book 2 valentine ammeux.

in here we are looking (6 frames a page) at the corner of a room (domestic interiors). we start in 1957 but then an event from 1922 leaks in (and then 1971). it's less a leak, more that the temporal focus cannot hold, that the events must talk to each other, the frame must be multiply occupied. the unity of place is obeyed. 

ammeux's voyage book 2 is a book on a photography project shot with disposable cameras during a solo trip to south america in 2013 (unlike horsemouth .ammeux took his disposable cameras to be developed). he's not in any of the photos, some have ghostly double exposures on them, the quality of the image is insufficient for what is photographed to eyes trained with the amazing cameras in people's phones. he travels, he wanders, he reads raymond depardon's errance. 

there's a physical book, there are  photos online, the remenants of a crowdfunder.

on the corner of colenso road and saratoga road an upstairs room had burnt out. the fire brigade were 'in attendance'. it was all over but it is a useful reminder that fires still happen (though less so than they used to). 

in the afternoon horsemouth went for another wander this time into the marshes. he returned with a couple of beer bottles to put in the recycling. he watched the news. he went to bed early. 

today (once again) he does not know. he should get on with doing some prep for the consortium meeting, he should see if the people who were  interested in the refurb have got back to him. 

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