Sunday 30 October 2022

horsemouth has not been having much luck with technology lately

horsemouth just had a computer outage

(horsemouth has not been having much luck with technology lately)

normal service has been resumed.

today he goes to do some music and to chat with friends. we are back in GMT from DST (daylight saving time). (horsemouth initially got this the other way round and has amended it). he will probably construct the books read, films watched, podcasts listened to, blogs read, vlogs watched, gigs events etc. list. this serves him in place of a memory (which he no longer has). 

the neighbour was off to a dia dos muertos event in (was it broadway or columbia?) market. another friend might have gone to it. tomorrow night halloween.  

ok people it's nearly november. it's gas and electric time  

it's likely they'll want to increase it soon (because the government guarantee only lasts 6 months and they are looking 1 year ahead). horsemouth looks for the rebate from the government and then there's a discussion to be had on how to handle it - probably use it to pay for the increased cost of gas over winter. 

fortunately it has been mild (not to say unseasonably warm) so far. yesterday horsemouth was out on the front steps sunning himself. 

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