Wednesday 30 November 2022

books, gigs, films, events november 2022


- clark ashton smith (the dark eidolon and other fantasies)

- paul bowles (photografien) in german so can only look at photos

- a woman's battles and transformations (edouard louis)

- reveries of the solitary walker (jean-jacques rousseau)

- best sellers (brian stableford - intro)

- elizabeth broadwick (the decline of the art of book-reviewing, harpers, october 1959)

- diana athill (somewhere towards the end)

- various h.p.lovecraft

- the giant under the snow (john gordon)

- utopian communes: a bunch of poles who ended up in anahem california (in a novel by susan sontag and in local history websites)


- patrick keiller's london (1994)

massacre time (spaghetti western) 

- invasion of the body snatchers (b&w classic version)

- disappearance (1977 - featuring montreal in winter and habitat 67)

- the cat with 9 tails (dario argento)

- C4 news focus group on leveling up

- laurie lee interview

- hollies documentary

- outlaw bookseller, thrift a life/ book pilled/ the rest is politics, 

- our mutual friend (anna friel version)

- ralph bakshi documentary

- judee sill movie teaser trailer and interviews with directors

- rose simpson online book launch video 

- john fahey interviewed on WHYY radio july 25th 1980.

gigs none


arrival of under gaspar's house and a night at the museum by the robert lawson trio. interviewed about refurb. visit to catastro/FILLE for recording and enza's for lunch. refuel, RIP nik turner, RIP dan mcCafferty, rose simpson's birthday, brother's youngest down to  visit.  horsemouth switches to AI driven automatic blogging.

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