Thursday 17 November 2022

horsemouth (and a limited supply of his younger self)

'horsemouth is acting like he has money (by spending it) - but of course he doesn’t have the money, it’s his younger self who has the money (and sadly there is only a limited supply of his younger self to be had)...'

so horsemouth noted a number of years ago (when he was still earning money but possibly not enough money to get by without the assistance of his younger self).

'so how is it being retired?' asked his brother's youngest. she is down visiting from up north where she is training to be a nurse. 

'pretty good.' replied horsemouth (without too much thought). 

the pandemic changed a lot of things (hail 2020). it showed horsemouth it was possible to live on a lot less money. and later (as the financial implications of it worked their way through the institutions) it deprived horsemouth of his dayjob. horsemouth (of course) should have diversified earlier (there's no excuse really other than his innate laziness). fortunately for him the redundancy cheque, the portion of  his work's pension taken in advance (a bad move - but not until he's 66), and indeed his work's pension (about 60 a month) seem to be carrying him well. 

it's not that he will never have to work again. but certainly he shouldn't have to work to the same extent again.

strangely retirement is proving a busy time for him. there is the great insulate social housing thing to be dealt with (and a continuation of the house more people thing). friday he attends the final zoom meeting of the decarbonisation thing (before the bid goes in and then it is all in the lap of the gods until january). sunday himself and catastro/FILLE are off round enza's for dinner. 

yesterday he walked down to the office for a zoom meeting (about 2 miles there and 2 miles back), he went for a wander with TG (indeterminate distance). he walked up to the station and got the overground up to his brother's for dinner (and then back again). he's still rocking off the recording he did on catastro/FILLE's tune.

today is actually a day off (and this more representative of his 'workload')  horsemouth will try and get some more reading in on the decarbonisation thing and get an email in about consulting with the members and try and do that earlier than he was thinking. .  

30th november there's an actual meeting of the management committee and then we are into the wilds of december. ideally horsemouth would get away early to the wilds of herefordshire soon after this but he suspects he will have to hang on. 

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