Friday 9 December 2022

'2021 began well at least...' (a brief guide to 2022 which, lest we forget, is not over yet)

horsemouth has had an even more moderate year than last year in terms of cultural production. horsemouth was supported by other people's willingness to engage with digital technology, this was the flaw in his cunning plan. he is aware of it (but did nothing about it).

horsemouth did one gig last year at waterintobeer way back in february (as a split show with howard).thanks martin. 

horsemouth did a little recording with howard in 2022 (but it languishes unfinished  on soundcloud). howard recorded an EP of songs in the summer and will record more of his solo stuff over christmas (so look out for that in the new year). horsemouth played some guitar and some bass on a track by catastro/FILLE (this is available upon request). 

horsemouth is up a 12 string guitar and a small (and somewhat parched sounding) rainstick.  

horsemouth was involved in no golden glow mixes in 2022 (and indeed they may all be vanishing so listen to them before they go).

horsemouth was slowed down in 2022 by the pandemic. he was distracted by the apocalypse of staying home. if 2021 was the year of the redundancy, then 2022 was the year of retirement. 

he kept on writing this blog. in 2021 he saw an AI powered voice over/ text reading service advertised on youtube so that's probably his (putative) ideal  voice-over acting job out of the window. in 2022 he saw an AI that offered to assist you with writing your blogs.  

he read a fair bit (though not with the concentrated effort that he has managed in previous years).

he watched a lot of films (mostly giallos, horrors, and ghost stories).

he didn't listen to much music (his amplifier needs replacing). he listened to webb david's techno-dub show on new river radio, and the CDs of the new albums by the robert lawson trio as they arrived. he spent a lot of time waiting for the hawkbinge podcasts to come out. 

he did a fair amount of walking (often with TG).

he stopped doing the child-minding. 

in 2022 the communal endeavour and the decarbonisation of social housing has become the main thing.

he's probably not doing enough to prevent boredom but he has been spending his way through the redundancy cheque, an advance on the pension and his works pension (small though it is).he is in fact spending hardly any money at all (except for rent).

his homestead (the gaff) has taken a dive. the living room is once again fucked. there's some stuff in the corridors. the back garden has been fucked. horsemouth no longer gives a shit. the front garden has at least been cleared. 

in his room he needs to have another book sale/ book box  giveaway if he is going to get mobile. this plan has so far not succeeded. he bought far fewer second hand books and fewer CDs than he would have in a normal year, book boxes have replaced second-hand bookshops in his affections. 

he continued cooking more regularly (but a limited range of dishes). he continued to be a lazy, morally compromised lacto-vegetarian. 

for yet another year he didn’t manage a foreign holiday (but as in 2022 he hopes to manage one in 2023). he spent a lot of time at his folks (which has been good).  

horsemouth thanks howard, enza, catastro/fille for joining him in his creative endeavours and all who have read, watched, listened to him, or liked or commented on the things he has produced.

politically the year went to hell in a handcart when russia invaded ukraine. capitalism slides from crisis to crisis. coronavirus looks like it is coming to an end (we have learned to live/ die with it). meanwhile the tory party (post brexit) keeps decomposing. there are some welcome signs of worker fightback against the bollocks of it all. 

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