Saturday 17 December 2022

abundance (spare us the clutter)

horsemouth has allowed his life to become cluttered (similarly for the other three of his housemates). it is a world of abundance rather than a world of scarcity.  for horsemouth the danger is thus within a ten minute walk of his home the middle class leave out their books out in a book-box (and a thoroughly decent selection it is). furniture/ crockery too.

all of these are well supplied. before he would have picked up his books at second hand bookshops between bookings of work. furniture he has almost never had to buy (though he has paid daryll to put up some shelves for him).

sten and daryll's form of hoarding takes the form of tools and materials - things that will allegedly someday be useful. there's some hoarding of food (of the kind multiple  freezers provides with no thought as to how refrigerating food for years affects its energy efficiency).

horsemouth is currently at his parents' in the countryside. now it is possible there's a book box in the village (but horsemouth is so far unaware of it - ok ok he will walk in and look), there is a (volunteer manned) library.  

to purchase second-hand books requires a visit in the car to hereford or hay or abergavenny. nonetheless there is a permanent collection of books at his parents house (horsemouth's dad has a folio book club phase, penguin classics/ modern classics are well represented). here are two grumpy old men discussing the slippage of the term classic.

horsemouth's dad has a garage in which to store his tools (cars are now considered not so delicate that they can't be left outside, driven out by the clutter).

people (of course) love their stuff but all of this makes getting mobile more difficult. a friend has their stuff in storage while they are away.

here it is a frosty morning. horsemouth's brother and his family are up visiting. horsemouth has his coffee (but he may sneak downstairs in search of seconds). soon(ish) breakfast (and then - horsemouth guesses - a walk).  

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