Sunday 25 December 2022

il est ne le divin enfant

so here it is, merry christmas, horsemouth is having fun (at least). he has a cup of coffee. he's blogging away. he had a very interesting dream last night (about which he can tell you nothing). 

the day is fairly predictable (famous last words). 

rise. wish merry christmas to the dog and then his father. make coffee. blog for a bit. go down to breakfast. wish merry christmas to his mother. eat breakfast. possible exchange of presents. at some point the family (as is) will either go for a walk together (the monmouthshire canal at govilion is a usual favourite) or beg off due to health concerns (horsemouth will in any event go for a walk). his mum will cook christmas dinner (with a vegetarian alternative to the meat for horsemouth). to assuage his guilt horsemouth will try and be helpful. himself and his father will probably polish off a little of the red wine left by his brother. there may be something on tv for all to watch or they may split up early to their separate entertainments.

horsemouth will now disrupt this pattern by going for a second round of coffee. 

the calendars are running out. the diaries also. the day is set aside for rest rather than labour. there are a few logs horsemouth could move for his father. the bbc predicts greyish but dry in the morning and possible rain for the afternoon.

the divine child is born (how folk is that!). and in the middle of winter too (when people could do with some good news). 

as usual horsemouth is very partial to songs in french.   

he appends an interview with linda perhacs. she got lucky (she met the right people), she had a vision (she saw music visually). it is another rediscovery tale - because she got something out the first time she could be rediscovered later and the masters existed.

(horsemouth was just having a little fantasy about being rediscovered in such a fashion).  

 and she made a second album. 

yesterday horsemouth spent a little time thinking about cashflows for the insulating social housing thing. it is obviously unwise to count your chickens before they hatch but it is a good idea to get a feel for how much money will be needed to do the things you want to do. 2023 is opening up before horsemouth (2024 more dimly). it will fit in with the budget andy has been preparing. for the bid the communal endeavour were fairly casual about how it will all be paid for - as they move (hopefully) towards actually doing it they will need to plan it better.  

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