Monday 12 December 2022

'this morning I woke up... I'm gonna take a walk outside'

good morning! good morning!

extend a welcome to london in the snow. horsemouth has to say they seem to be doing better than the rest of us on this (but soon it will turn to disgusting slush, you know this). horsemouth has just had his coffee for the day (than you world for inventing such a fine molecule and a ritual to go with it).

he is listening to his and howard's mix from a year ago - choons selected by horsemouth, mixed by howard, the last one they did together ('this may be my last time'). the cover shows a photo of horsemouth engaged in the fall of the house of fitzgerald (he doesn't dress like this normally honest).

'this morning I woke up...  I'm gonna take a walk outside' sing german hippie ambient musicians in a rare folk outing (12 string guitars set to stun). 

a new translation of bruno schulz is available. horsemouth's friend who spoke polish and english always said the then existing english translation (by celina wieniewska)  was a bit fanciful - but horsemouth has no way of telling. horsemouth reads a lot in translation (the russians, the french) - you are always in the translator's hands. horsemouth has struggled through a couple of books in french (the language he was taught for five years at school), even then he does not understand enough about the language to truly tell what is at stake. 

he was taught welsh for one year at school and can (at best) manage a few words. 

the town schulz lived in is now in western ukraine. like kafka schulz was jewish. kafka wrote in german (rather than in czech). schulz himself is a world author who write in polish (and so consequently is less well known than he deserves to be).   we do not even call the books the same thing - the poles (and just about everyone else) knows them under the title of the first collection the cinnamon shops - in english this collection was titled the street of crocodiles. 

the history of the poles in ukraine was essentially a colonial one - at one point the polish kingdom reached from berlin to moscow (there was a kind of scotland/ england relationship with lithuania also). but then the history of poland was often also a colonial one - divided between the germans and the russians, it's borders nibbled back, its people displaced. 

horsemouth is enjoying his selection (there are a few tunes in there chosen by howard).   

horsemouth will go for a wander on the common. he didn't manage a second walk yesterday. 


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