Monday 2 January 2023

'between things ended and things begun'

from the poem thoughts in  leaves of grass (1891-92), walt whitman.

kevin ovenden quotes it in chapter one of his book syriza: inside the labyrinth (a book a friend has described as 'over-enthusiastic', or something like that, if horsemouth remembers correctly). for once it's an apposite quote, in thoughts (and in leaves of grass in general) whitman is going on about the rise of america, its cities and its people in a democratic surge - and this is what the author takes to be happening in the greece of the time. 

while leaves of grass was first published in 1855, whitman spent most of his professional life writing and rewriting it.the first edition was a small book of twelve poems, and the last 'the deathbed edition', a compilation of over 400.

'L. of G. at last complete — after 33 y'rs of hackling at it, all times & moods of my life, fair weather & foul, all parts of the land, and peace & war, young & old.' - walt whitman in a letter to a friend, 1891.

horsemouth picked it out because he likes that moment between things, and it seems, to him, very apposite for january (or the period after christmas and before new years). 

horsemouth is returning to normal. he's got a grump on. he thought he was ok with it. it turns out he's not. he has cleared himself enough room in the living room to sit on the sofa (or the armchair) and read or watch tv. he does not think this is unreasonable. presumably it will not be taken as such (it had better not be). he plots watching the news (there's no news on january the 1st but he plans to watch it anyway).

he's been for a walk out with TG (he has tried two book boxes - no joy). he did however pick up a leaflet on decluttering your wardrobe (really and truthfully it is books, records and CDs that horsemouth needs to declutter). because he was tired out after the walk he couldn't face wandering over to howard's for a beer (his last day of freedom before being back to the grind). 

he has cooked dinner - a quorn and lentil curry with onion, potato, sweet potato and rice (no great shakes in the flavour department but filling enough) - and wolfed it down entire in two sittings. tomorrow he will do the run out to aldi and pick up some more beans, museli, margarine etc. while he's not a vegan he tends only to eat cheese when other people are buying (except on cheap pizzas or in pesto). he is partial to blue stilton however and sometimes this can be picked up cheap after christmas.

another advantage of it being january is that horsemouth can begin compiling his list of watched, listened to, read and been to for january.  he started on a film noir, he watched some of thrift a life  (he wishes to do other things aside from the reselling and he needs to get his health sorted, he's got chronic pain issues). horsemouth has sent in his tax return (now he waits to see if it is acceptable/ unproblematic). 

john (from porto) is coming over in a bit. other than their usual run over to walthamstow he's not sure what to do with him (they'll think of something). 

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