Saturday 28 January 2023

cenas da luta de classes em portugal (processo revolucionário em curso)

 following the recent NLR article on the roving radical film-maker robert kramer horsemouth tried to see if any of his films were available on youtube (and indeed they were). 

first off cenas da luta de classes em portugal (scenes from the class struggle in portugal) filmed during the periods known as the carnation revolution (revolução dos cravos from 25 april 1974) and the PREC - the processo revolucionário em curso (the ongoing revolutionary process covering the period from the failed right-wing coup d'état of 11 March 1975, and ending in a failed left-wing coup d'état on 25 November 1975). 

these eras are now (mostly) understood as part of portugal's transition to democracy out from the dictatorship of salazar, but clearly at the time more was at stake. 

it is strange to watch a revolution taking place on european soil. it is strange to see all the things horsemouth talked about when he was a radical - revolutionary committees, expropriation of land and housing, (hell, arming the workers) actually taking place. and that it should happen within living memory and in places that can be visited. 

the tide rolls up the beach and uncovers the forgotten statues from the better world but then it rolls back again and the sand hides the possibilities. 

... but of course when the video restarts it is with the bourgeoisie calling for austerity to save the economy (same as it ever was).  

of course there has been more radical history since in portugal - in the actions of bloco izquerda against EU enforced austerity. and the geringonça, or ‘contraption’ that got them into power. 

we have reached saturday (again). horsemouth is unsure why he attaches so much importance to le weekend. soon, tomorrow probably, horsemouth will review kramer's point of departure, his account of revisiting hanoi 25 years after he had been there previously. 

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