Friday 6 January 2023

four songs on regional TV (wondrous love)

busy at home all day with various arrangements” - from goethe's diaries (as quoted by kafka).

good morning! good morning! it doesn't look too bad out there to be honest. it's quite mild (for the time of year). thus do british people talk about the weather. 

curiously, for four songs on a religious show, pentangle end up making jacqui mcshee look like she is in  suspiria. they do a cover of wondrous love (in an early music style) which is truly excellent. (this is partially because wondrous love isn't ancient, it's modern, it just sounds ancient). 

horsemouth and howard took a crack at wondrous love (back in 2022) but either the idea is wrong or horsemouth's singing on the day was rubbish because it doesn't come off.  

horsemouth read the introduction to NLR jan/feb 2020 by susan waktins - boris is back in (on a get brexit done mandate) but the pandemic is about to come and knock him off course (in as much as he has one). it's good on the conditionality  of the tory rule, on all the conditions that had to be met to give them their victory (and to give labour their defeat). horsemouth looks forward to the unraveling of their particular brand of bullshit but he doesn't hold out much hope for the return of the labour party - he thinks it will be a things can only get better election (labour will get elected because the tories are temporarily incapacitated by sleaze and labour will get elected on a new labour/ tory platform). 

there's a piece called learning from japan  - a country in economic and political  stagnation, this is probably where we are going. 

to be honest horsemouth is  mostly reading julian cope's head -on. horsemouth was never a julian cope/ teardrop explodes fan, but the wanting to make it, the wanting to be signed and validated he recognises. 

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