Sunday 8 January 2023

the reason (I have)

'being useful to others suddenly seemed to be of paramount importance' 

horsemouth is up early. oh yes he is. well, not so early. he's been slugging in bed all the way up to a 9am start. he really should try and roll it more towards 8am. it's not that he aims to be 'up with the lark' but he could do with not missing daylight. we are still in the dark half of the year - daylight is valuable energy.

meanwhile in porto (horsemouth's adopted home town) there has been flooding. it has rained heavily and giant mudslides have rolled down the hills in the centre (rolling the odd pedestrian down with them). waterfalls off the top of fontinhas (fon-ti-NYUSH) and down the hillsides (too steep to be developed). he thinks john will be fine (he's not on the ground floor and he's up above palacio crystal at the top of the hill opposite fontinhas. ze he's a bit more worried about (he's halfway down the hill). nuno moved out of town a while ago.  

meanwhile horsemouth is reading julian cope's repossessed -it has finally started to happen for him (again) - it was an engaging read but horsemouth will soon it will be done and can return to the reputable stuff. 

it's a while before horsemouth can return to mixcloud - so here's a mix from about a year and a half ago. 

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