Tuesday 7 February 2023

the terrible fate that awaits us (on the anthology of american folk music considered as a collage)

horsemouth is making a number of belated discoveries. 

the first one is that he is an old man of nearly 60. the photos show him this. 

in truth horsemouth suffers from body dysmorphia -  he had always assumed he was going to stay at about 30 forever. for a long time he has been positively celebratory about the (not quite imminent) arrival of his bus pass (and later on his state pension) - now he regards it with the warmth usually reserved for the sudden arrival of a tombstone.

that said, the ability to contemplate being able to afford stopping working deeply appeals to horsemouth.  

the second unfortunate discovery he is making is that many people are ahead of him in this race to leave the planet, not just random celebrities or influential musicians but people he knows. 

horsemouth finds every day in the sun genuinely delightful (despite its sadnesses). he can't understand wanting to check out early.and this is horsemouth saying this.(mad crazed difficult person that he is).

on the anthology of american folk music considered as a collage

last night horsemouth started pulling on a  harry everett smith thread - it lead him to the anthology of american folk music considered as a collage (smith's main strategy). and yet, as someone points out a recently released anthology of the b-sides to the anthology (less 3 songs that use no longer acceptable racial descriptions - if indeed they ever were) is just as affecting and spooky. and indeed  how central is the anthology to the 60ies fol revival - bob dylan claims it as central, and four years later he claims it was not central, what are we to make of this collage? 

anyway horsemouth thinks he will do more reading on this and engage with it more deeply during fahey week (22nd feb - 28th feb).

it's a misty day. horsemouth will probably go for a walk (possibly up to a second hand bookshop).

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