Monday 27 March 2023

oh what a beautiful morning!

here we see horsemouth (round howard's) playing a little bit of music. the shot took a little while to achieve as the walls and the doors and the ceiling had to be coated in fresh brilliant white emulsion.

this is not where he is right now ladies and gentlemen. he is sat up in bed at home wearing two jumpers and with the window open to let in the fresh air. 

fresh air was one of the things howard and horsemouth discussed while in the pubs of east ham - the members of their respective households have a bad habit of drying their clothes inside the house leading to damp and condensation problems.

horsemouth has submitted the gas and electricity usage figures (meter readings) for his house for the month.  

the house does not have smart meters because the company head (main fuse) installation for the electricity is of an old and considered unsafe to work on type - the youngster horsemouth's power company sent round practically backed away in terror when he saw it. horsemouth's house can therefore not participate in any 'sell your under-consumption' schemes. 

electricity, gas, and the standing charges they charge you for having the gubbins in your home, all these have effectively doubled. 

horsemouth (and his homestead) are using much less of both electricity and gas but their bills are considerably higher than they were. this is one of the major drivers of inflation but soon it will drop out of the governments headline inflation figure (but sadly gas, electricity and standing charge prices will not go back down).  .   

horsemouth's latest book-box discovery is ada or ardor a family chronicle by vadimir nabokov  which is set in a russian occupied united states (horsemouth is finding it a little annoying already and may well abandon it). even though, despite being published in 1965, it is 'the last 19th-century russian novel'.

more about the commune  (and more about the paris demonstrations against the changing of the retirement age) tomorrow.

it's a beautiful sunshine-y day horsemouth may well go for a wander. 

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