Saturday 18 March 2023

'the whole crowd waiting for a famous comedian (and I shuffled on to talk about icarus)'

today a rainy grey morning. 

later horsemouth goes round a friend's house (there will be food). after they have eaten the weather may have improved and they may go for a walk. horsemouth's friend works and so may be knackered  at the weekend (or maybe saving themselves for something else - horsemouth will see). 

soon the equinox and we enter the bright half of the year. there can be no guarantees that it will not rain (some years summer will not come).

monday a meeting of the communal endeavour and then five weeks later the AGM, votes on rent rises and such like.  

above the velvet underground sped up and film from their first gig - the art scene swirls about (a young jonas mekas has an eye for the girls). 

reading kae tempest's on connection has encouraged horsemouth in a number of recording fantasies - ones where he gets kae to work with roots manuva (and ones where he tempts his friend who works in the music industry into the studio to play keyboards and double bass). horsemouth as producer (strangely) - everybody has a most excellent and creative time. 

horsemouth likes recording - in many ways he prefers it to performing or rehearsing (mere playing). there is always the chance that an accident might sneak through and become something interesting. home computers mean recording can be done at home rather than under the time pressure of a recording studio (in a room that resembles the  starship enterprise or the tardis control room but done up in natural wood). 

horsemouth's band botched almost all the recording they did by putting themselves under too much pressure (which was a pity because they had a couple of decent tunes). they embraced the ravey-davey-gravey new thing and when that wave broke it left them high and dry. horsemouth worked at it solidly for five years and then retired defeated, he has little desire to return to it. 

it was a strange beast. one that seemingly didn't want to release anything. this is why horsemouth likes recording because it can be released. 

there's a book launch coming up. horsemouth will endeavour to play. he doesn't know if he has any new material (as such). 

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