Tuesday 16 May 2023

in which there are a number of ironies attending the current moment

'the magistrate lived in a world populated entirely by men of goodwill, motivated by the best intentions.' 

horsemouth is hiding out with his folks in the countryside.  outside it is a beautiful sunshine-y morning.

there are a number of ironies attending the current moment (horsemouth will not be so churlish as to detail them here). 

life continues to hit hard wherever you look. 

as if inline with horsemouth's pleas the skies have darkened down. 

the magistrate is a character who crops up in claudio magris' microcosms. he  haunts the turin university german department with his talk of the world committee resolving every dispute and conflict by amicable talk. not for the magistrate senseless tragedies (even those on the small scale). or perhaps the world committee is his response to the senseless tragedy that is the world. 

his is a beneficent take on the secret world government of the conspiracy theorists. 

yesterday horsemouth was due to be attending a meeting (via zoom) but it fucked up and the microphone would not work (this is what you get for fucking with the settings horsemouth).

horsemouth was left  in the condition of charlie chaplin above, the world is not designed to permit him speech. (and yet he must speak and indeed sing). 

of course when he does get to sing he sings nonsense. it is fake italian horsemouth opines. and yet it is international nonsense - the beauty of the silent movie was that it was an international art form (intertitle cards aside), the problem with the coming of sound was that it meant films were made in a spoken language - it was a tower of babylon moment. 

meanwhile. soap opera update. thrift a life/ book-pilled has made it to mexico. he too has retired (from active thrifting) and intends to live on the proceeds of his youtube channel. he will continue to publish his menswear manifesto (a helpful guide to thrifting and reselling menswear) and his videos. 

horsemouth should be telling you more about blok - soon enough we are into the bloody week of the fall of the paris commune of 1871. 

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